On February 25, among weekends in honor of the Defender of the Fatherland Day, a real male sports marathon – SibirProm Cup – 2017 traditionally devoted to this holiday was held. At that time, the geography of participants broke all the previous records of the competition. 20 corporate teams from 5 regions and 11 populated localities – from Kemerovo to Ulan-Ude – arrived to the Krasnoyarsk arena "Football-Arena "Yenisey". One more good tradition of SibirProm Cup was the visit of a first magnitude football star. In the given competition, Oleg Romantsev, Georgy Yartsev and Evgeny Aldonin handed the baton to the currently famous football expert, best player of the USSR in 1972 and glorified Spartak member Evgeny Serafimovich Lovchev!